Reef Fish

Red Emperor Snapper

snapper-red-emperorScientific Name: Lutjanus sebae
Family: Snappers – Lutjanidae
Maximum Size: 60cm
Identification: Juvenile/Sub-adult – White with red-brown mid-body bar; band from lip to nape, 2nd band mid-dorsal fin to lower tail. Adult – Solid red.
Favourite: Solitary.
Hide-out: Typically deep, sandy bottoms to 100m.
Location: Indo-Asian Pacific – Red Sea and E. Africa to Australia and Papua New Guinea, north to S. Japan.

19 November 2008 Posted by | Snappers | | Leave a comment

Pinjalo Snapper

snapper-pinjaloScientific Name: Pinjalo pinjalo
Family: Snappers – Lutjanidae
Maximum Size: 50cm
Identification: Variable shades from reddish gray to red that can quickly intensify or pale, yellow ventral fins; more robust than similar Slender Pinjalo.
Favourite: Form schools.
Hide-out: Coastal reefs and outer slopes in 15-100m.
Location: Indo-Asian Pacific – Arabian Gulf to Taiwan and Papua New Guinea.

19 November 2008 Posted by | Snappers | | Leave a comment

Onespot Snapper

snapper-onespotScientific Name: Lutjanus monostigma
Family: Snappers – Lutjanidae
Maximum Size: 60cm
Identification: Silver to reddish or yellowish silver with yellow fins; may display a horizontally elongate black spot on rear back.
Favourite: Solitary or form small groups.
Hide-out: Outer reef areas in 5-60m.
Location: Indo-Pacific – Red Sea and E. Africa to Micronesia, Line Is., Tuamotu and Marquesas Is. in French Polynesia. S.W. Japan to Australia and New Caledonia.

19 November 2008 Posted by | Snappers | | Leave a comment

Midnight Snapper

snapper-midnightScientific Name: Macolor macularis
Family: Snappers – Lutjanidae
Maximum Size: 60cm
Identification: Black with pale line markings in scales; blue line and spot markings on head; large eye with bright gold iris.
Favourite: Solitary or form groups.
Hide-out: Edge of steep slopes of lagoons, passes and outer reefs in 5-50m.
Location: Indo-West Pacific – Maldives to Solomon Is. S.W. Japan to N. Australia and New Caledonia.

19 November 2008 Posted by | Snappers | | Leave a comment

Malabar Snapper

snapper-malabarScientific Name: Lutjanus malabaricus
Family: Snappers – Lutjanidae
Maximum Size: 100cm
Identification: Juvenile – Reddish with narrow dusky stripes; black band from lip through eye to dorsal fin, white-edged black spot covering tail base. Adult – Red in deep water, not on reefs.
Favourite: Solitary.
Hide-out: Coastal and outer reefs in 10-40m.
Location: Indo-West Pacific – Arabian Gulf to Palau and Fiji. Taiwan and S.W. Japan to S.E. Australia.

19 November 2008 Posted by | Snappers | | Leave a comment