Reef Fish

Blue Trevally

trevally-blueScientific Name: Carangoides ferdau
Family: Jacks – Carangidae
Maximum Size: 70cm
Identification: Silvery; rear dorsal, anal and tail fins tinted yellowish green; usually display 5-7 chevron bars.
Favourite: Form schools.
Hide-out: Lagoons and outer reefs, often over sandy areas to 60m.
Location: Indo-Pacific – Red Sea and E. Africa to Hawaii. S.W. Japan to New Caledonia.

15 April 2009 Posted by | Trevally | | Leave a comment

Bludger Trevally

trevally-bludgerScientific Name: Carangoides gymnostethus
Family: Jacks – Carangidae
Maximum Size: 90cm
Identification: Silvery with a few brown or yellow spots scattered on sides.
Favourite: Juveniles and young adults form schools, adults usually solitary.
Hide-out: Sheltered coasts and over deeper offshore reefs to at least 70m.
Location: Indo-Asian Pacific – Red Sea and E. Africa to N. Australia, north S.W. Japan.

15 April 2009 Posted by | Trevally | | Leave a comment

Bigeye Trevally

trevally-bigeyeScientific Name: Caranx sexfasciatus
Family: Jacks – Carangidae
Maximum Size: 100cm
Identification: Silver (males turn black when courting); small black spot on upper end of gill cover, white tip on fore lobe of rear dorsal fin; relatively large eye.
Favourite: Form large schools.
Hide-out: Most common on clear outer reefs to 50m.
Location: Indo-Pacific – Red Sea and E. Africa to far eastern Pacific. S.W. Japan to Australia.

15 April 2009 Posted by | Trevally | | Leave a comment

Mackerel Scad

scad-mackerelScientific Name: Decapterus macarellus
Family: Jacks – Carangidae
Maximum Size: 35cm
Identification: Silvery, very slender, nearly cylindrical in cross section; small mouth, jaw does not extend below eye; black spot on edge of gill cover.
Favourite: Form large schools.
Hide-out: Coastal lagoons and outer reefs to 360m.
Location: Circumtropical.

6 March 2009 Posted by | Scad | | Leave a comment

Bigeye Scad

scad-bigeyeScientific Name: Selar crumenophthalmus
Family: Jacks – Carangidae
Maximum Size: 30cm
Identification: Silvery, often with yellow stripe on side; deep-body; large eye (diameter greater than snout length), scutes only on rear third of lateral line.
Favourite: Form schools.
Hide-out: Coastal reef and lagoons to 170m.
Location: Circumtropical.

6 March 2009 Posted by | Scad | | Leave a comment