Reef Fish

Blue-Lined Large-Eye Bream

large-eye-bream-blue-linedScientific Name: Gymnocranius grandoculis
Family: Emperors – Lethrinidae
Maximum Size: 80cm
Identification: Juvenile – Silvery gray; several faint thin bars on side, eye bar. Adult – Unmarked except wavy blue lines on cheek; no yellowish tint on snout.
Favourite: Solitary or form small groups.
Hide-out: Sand or rubble bottoms in 15-100m.
Location: Indo-Pacific – Red Sea and E. Africa to Tuamotu Is. in French Polynesia. S.W. Japan to N.W. & S.E. Australia.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Large-Eye Bream | | Leave a comment

Yellowtail Emperor

emperor-yellowtailScientific Name: Lethrinus atkinsoni
Family: Emperors – Lethrinidae
Maximum Size: 41cm
Identification: Silvery to silvery blue or olive-brown, yellow tail and base; diffuse yellow area may extend from pectoral fin to tail base, yellow around upper eye.
Favourite: Solitary.
Hide-out: Outer reef slopes, sandy areas of lagoons and seagrass beds in 2-25m.
Location: Pacific – Indonesia to Tuamotu Is. in French Polynesia. S.W. Japan to Great Barrier Reef and Lord Howe I.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Emperors | | Leave a comment

Yellowfin Emperor

emperor-yellowfinScientific Name: Lethrinus erythracanthus
Family: Emperors – Lethrinidae
Maximum Size: 70cm
Identification: Dark bluish head and dark gray body with yellow fins. Easily distinguished from most emperors by large size.
Favourite: Solitary.
Hide-out: Deep lagoons and outer reef slopes in 15-120m.
Location: Indo-Pacific – E. Africa to Micronesia and Tuamotu Is. in French Polynesia. S.W. Japan to Great Barrier Reef.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Emperors | | Leave a comment

Spotcheek Emperor

emperor-spotcheekScientific Name: Lethrinus rubrioperculatus
Family: Emperors – Lethrinidae
Maximum Size: 50cm
Identification: Bright silver to brownish silver with diffuse stripe and bar markings on lower body; reddish brown spot on rear edge of gill cover.
Favourite: Solitary or form small groups.
Hide-out: Sand and rubble bottoms of coastal reefs and outer slopes to 40m.
Location: Indo-Asian Pacific – Sri Lanka to Solomon Is. S.W. Japan and Micronesia to Australia and New Caledonia.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Emperors | | Leave a comment

Slender Emperor

emperor-slenderScientific Name: Lethrinus variegatus
Family: Emperors – Lethrinidae
Maximum Size: 20cm
Identification: Small elongate body; mottled shades of green to brown mixed with white; wide darkish mid-lateral stripe, pale spots on fins.
Favourite: Usually form groups.
Hide-out: Seagrass beds and sandy areas near coral reefs to 15m.
Location: Indo-West Pacific – Red Sea and E. Africa to New Caledonia. S.W. Japan, Micronesia to N.W. Australia and Great Barrier Reef.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Emperors | | Leave a comment