Reef Fish

Rainbow Runner

runner-rainbowScientific Name: Elagatis bipinnulatus
Family: Jacks – Carangidae
Maximum Size: 120cm
Identification: Silvery olive-blue; long slender body with pair of light blue stripes on sides, often with broader olive or yellowish stripe between.
Favourite: Form schools.
Hide-out: Most common on outer reefs to 150m.
Location: Circumtropical.

2 March 2009 Posted by | Jacks | | Leave a comment

Talang Queenfish

queenfish-talangScientific Name: Scomberoides commersonnianus
Family: Jacks – Carangidae
Maximum Size: 120cm
Identification: Silver with single row of large dark spots on upper body.
Favourite: Solitary or form groups.
Hide-out: Coastal reefs, lagoons and outer slopes to 25m.
Location: Indo-Asian Pacific – Red Sea and E. Africa to New Guinea. S.W. Japan to Australia.

2 March 2009 Posted by | Queenfish | | Leave a comment

Double-Spotted Queenfish

queenfish-double-spottedScientific Name: Scomberoides lysan
Family: Jacks – Carangidae
Maximum Size: 70cm
Identification: Silver with double row of 6-8 dusky round blotches on side; black spot on tip of fore lobe of rear dorsal fin.
Favourite: Often form small schools.
Hide-out: Coastal reefs, lagoons and outer slopes to 100m.
Location: Indo-Pacific – Red Sea and E. Africa to Hawaii. S.W. Japan to Australia.

2 March 2009 Posted by | Queenfish | | Leave a comment