Reef Fish

Black Jack

jack-blackScientific Name: Caranx lugubris
Family: Jacks – Carangidae
Maximum Size: 74cm
Identification: Silvery gray to brown to nearly black; small dark spot at upper end of gill cover; scutes, rear dorsal, anal and rear of tail fins dark.
Favourite: Solitary or form small schools.
Hide-out: Mainly offshore reefs in 20-70m.
Location: Circumtropical.

25 December 2008 Posted by | Jacks | | Leave a comment

Silver Grunter

grunter-silverScientific Name: Mesopristes argenteus
Family: Grunters – Terapontidae
Maximum Size: 30cm
Identification: Silvery gray with white belly; white first spine on ventral and anal fins, yellow iris. Small Juveniles – White with 4 or 5 black stripes and yellow fins.
Favourite: Solitary or form groups.
Hide-out: Estuaries and stream mouths, occasionally near reefs to 3m.
Location: Asian Pacific – Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea and Solomon Is. to Cape York in N.E. Australia.

25 December 2008 Posted by | Grunters | | Leave a comment

Crescent-Banded Grunter

grunter-crescent-bandedScientific Name: Terapon jarbua
Family: Grunters – Terapontidae
Maximum Size: 32cm
Identification: Silvery with pattern of curved darkish bands on body; striped tail.
Favourite: Form schools.
Hide-out: Estuaries, stream mouths and along sandy beaches in areas of brackish water in 20-290m.
Location: Indo-West Pacific – Red Sea to Samoa. S.W. Japan to Australia.

25 December 2008 Posted by | Grunters | | Leave a comment

Plain Flagtail

flagtail-plainScientific Name: Kuhlia petit
Family: Flagtails – Kuhliidae
Maximum Size: 25cm
Identification: Silvery with no distinguishing markings; may mix with Barred Flagtail, but lack of bold markings on tail.
Favourite: Form aggregations.
Hide-out: In surf zone of rocky shores or in tide pools.
Location: Central Pacific – Phoenix Is. in Central Pacific and Marquesas Is. in French Polynesia.

25 December 2008 Posted by | Flagtails | | Leave a comment