Reef Fish

Two-Spot Snapper

snapper-two-spotScientific Name: Lutjanus biguttatus
Family: Snappers – Lutjanidae
Maximum Size: 20cm
Identification: Slender; brownish gray back with 2-3 white spots, reddish brown belly; wide reddish brown stripe from snout to tail and wide white stripe from mouth to tail.
Favourite: From small to large groups.
Hide-out: Coastal reefs, lagoons and seaward slopes in 5-30m.
Location: Indo-West Pacific – Maldives to Fiji. Philippines to Great Barrier Reef.

20 November 2008 Posted by | Snappers | | Leave a comment

Timor Snapper

snapper-timorScientific Name: Lutjanus timorensis
Family: Snappers – Lutjanidae
Maximum Size: 50cm
Identification: Red; black spot on base of pectoral fin. Young have diagonal dark bar through eye and pearl-white spot on upper tail base.
Hide-out: Coastal reef slopes, often on sand with scattered reef or log debris in 10-130m.
Location: East Indo-West Pacific – Andaman Sea to Samoa, north to Philippines.

20 November 2008 Posted by | Snappers | | Leave a comment

Spanish Flag

snapper-spanish-flagScientific Name: Lutjanus carponotatus
Family: Snappers – Lutjanidae
Maximum Size: 40cm
Identification: Grayish to white undercolor with 5-9 yellow to golden brown stripes; black spot on base of pectoral fin.
Favourite: Solitary or form groups.
Hide-out: Turbid coastal reefs, lagoons and outer slopes in 1-35m.
Location: Indo-Asian Pacific – India to Papua New Guinea. S. China to N. Australia and Great Barrier Reef.

20 November 2008 Posted by | Snappers | | Leave a comment