Reef Fish

Foxface Rabbitfish

rabbitfish-foxfaceScientific Name: Siganus vulpinus
Family: Rabbitfishes – Siganidae
Maximum Size: 24cm
Identification: Yellow body; white head with black band from protruding snout to dorsal fin, black breast marking.
Favourite: Solitary or form groups.
Hide-out: Coral-rich areas of lagoons and outer reefs, often shelter in staghorn corals, to 30m.
Location: West Pacific – Sumatra in Indonesia to Gilbert Is. Taiwan to Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Rabbitfishes | | Leave a comment

Coral Rabbitfish

rabbitfish-coralScientific Name: Siganus corallinus
Family: Rabbitfishes – Siganidae
Maximum Size: 25cm
Identification: Yellow-orange undercolor with numerous blue spots; darkish eye bar, may display pattern of dark smudges on back.
Favourite: Juvenile – Form small schools in shallow seagrass beds. Adults – In pairs.
Hide-out: Coral-rich areas to 18m.
Location: Indo-West Pacific – Seychelles to New Caledonia. S.W. Japan to S. Great Barrier Reef.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Rabbitfishes | | Leave a comment

Blackeye Rabbitfish

rabbitfish-blackeyeScientific Name: Siganus puelloides
Family: Rabbitfishes – Siganidae
Maximum Size: 31cm
Identification: Pale blue undercolor with close-set yellow spots; dark marking under chin and dark area around eye are remnants of  a chin to eye band on juveniles.
Favourite: In pairs; feed on algae, tunicates and sponges.
Hide-out: Reef flats and along dropoffs to 15m.
Location: Indian Ocean – Seychelles to Maldives and Andaman Sea.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Rabbitfishes | | Leave a comment

Bicolor Rabbitfish

rabbitfish-bicolorScientific Name: Siganus uspi
Family: Rabbitfishes – Siganidae
Maximum Size: 22cm
Identification: Chocolate-brown to rear dorsal and anal fin then abruptly yellow to tail, yellow pectoral fins; protruding snout.
Favourite: In pairs.
Hide-out: Coral-rich areas of lagoons and seaward reefs to 8m.
Location: Known only from New Caledonia and Fiji.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Rabbitfishes | | Leave a comment

Barred Rabbitfish

rabbitfish-barredScientific Name: Siganus doliatus
Family: Rabbitfishes – Siganidae
Maximum Size: 20cm
Identification: Light blue to whitish with intricate pattern of thin yellow and blue lines; pair of dark bands on head and forebody.
Favourite: In pairs or small groups.
Hide-out: Inshore and outer reefs in 2-15m.
Location: West Pacific – Sulawesi in Indonesia to Tonga. Palau to S. Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia.

16 November 2008 Posted by | Rabbitfishes | | Leave a comment