Reef Fish

Pale-Tail Chromis

chromis-pale-tailScientific Name: Chromis xanthura
Family: Damselfishes – Pomacentridae
Maximum Size: 15cm
Identification: Dark charcoal-gray to blackish with white tail including base, but not rear dorsal and anal fins.
Favourite: Usually form groups.
Hide-out: Outer reef slopes in 3-40m.
Location: East Indo-Pacific – Cocos-Keeling Is. to Indonesia, Line Is. and Pitcaim Is. east of French Polynesia. S.W. Japan to N.W. and N.E. Australia and New Caledonia.

5 November 2008 Posted by | Chromis | | Leave a comment

Pacific Half-and-Half Chromis

chromis-pacific-half-and-halfScientific Name: Chromis iomelas
Family: Damselfishes – Pomacentridae
Maximum Size: 7cm
Identification: Dark brown to black head and forebody, white rear body and tail. Distinguished from Indian Half-and-Half Chromis by location.
Favourite: Solitary or form groups.
Hide-out: Outer reef areas in 3-35m.
Location: Southwestern Pacific – Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea to Fiji.

5 November 2008 Posted by | Chromis | | Leave a comment