Reef Fish

White-Shouldered Whiptail

Scientific Name: Pentapodus bifasciatus
Family: Coral Breams – Nemipteridae
Maximum Size: 20cm
Identification: Brown to dark gray on upper sides with 3 white stripes; white marking on upper rear edge of gill cover; slender with pointed snout.
Favourite: Solitary or form groups.
Hide-out: Silty coastal reefs in 2-20m.
Location: Asian Pacific – Singapore, Malaysian Peninsula, W. Indonesia and Philippines.

31 October 2008 Posted by | Whiptail | | Leave a comment

Three-Striped Whiptail

Scientific Name: Pentapodus trivittatus
Family: Coral Breams – Nemipteridae
Maximum Size: 30cm
Identification: Gray, underside of head and body white; pale saddles and stripe on back, white mid-body blotch gradates into stripe toward tail.
Favourite: Solitary or in pairs.
Hide-out: Coastal reefs and lagoons in 2-30m.
Location: Asian Pacific – Malaysian Peninsula to Philippines, E. Caroline Is. in Micronesia and Solomon Is.

31 October 2008 Posted by | Whiptail | | Leave a comment

Striped Whiptail

Scientific Name: Scaevius vitta
Family: Coral Breams – Nemipteridae
Maximum Size: 30cm
Identification: Light gray; dark mid-lateral stripe with diffuse white borders, often a broad dusky to blackish area along upper edge of belly.
Favourite: Solitary or form small groups.
Hide-out: Coastal reefs in 1-30m.
Location: W. Australia.

31 October 2008 Posted by | Whiptail | | Leave a comment

Small-Toothed Whiptail

Scientific Name: Pentapodus caninus
Family: Coral Breams – Nemipteridae
Maximum Size: 25cm
Identification: Greenish gray to bluish gray back gradating to whitish lower body; broad yellowish stripe from eye to base of tail; no dark band between eyes.
Favourite: Solitary or form small groups.
Hide-out: Silty coastal reefs and deep lagoons in 2-35m.
Location: West Pacific – Malaysian Peninsula to Gilbert Is. S.W. Japan to New Caledonia.

31 October 2008 Posted by | Whiptail | | Leave a comment

Paradise Whiptail

Scientific Name: Pentapodus paradiseus
Family: Coral Breams – Nemipteridae
Maximum Size: 35cm
Identification: Gray; white stripe bordered by dark gray stripe from eye to tail joins white V-shaped mark and small black spot on tail base.
Favourite: Solitary or form small groups.
Hide-out: Coastal reefs in 10-70m.
Location: Asian Pacific – S. Papua New Guinea, Solomon Is. and Great Barrier Reef.

31 October 2008 Posted by | Whiptail | | Leave a comment